Regulatory reporting - insurance sector

Insurance firms need to provide regulatory returns to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Find out more about the returns and how to report them.


Insurance firms and friendly societies are required to provide regulatory returns to us, whether subject to Solvency UK reporting or not. Information needed to understand the regulatory reporting requirements and all updates issued to the requirements can be found below. 

The format required for reporting, including to XBRL filing manual, and how to submit data to the Bank are also provided.

Solvency UK now applies for all insurance regulatory reporting with reporting reference dates of 31 December 2024 and later.

Latest updates

7 March 2025: Since the publication of the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.1 on 10 October 2024, the PRA has received feedback from firms and has identified issues which are listed in the latest taxonomy known issues log and the validation defects identified are listed in the latest validations deny list. Additionally, the PRA has published an updated version of the reporting Q&A document to provide relevant guidance to firms on reporting topics. We plan to update these documents and links, on a regular basis, to support firms with the Solvency UK regulatory reporting submissions. 

Please send your queries related to the reporting templates and instructions to If validation issues are identified outside of a live reporting round (e.g. during firm testing or a BEEDS UAT testing window), please report them to For issues identified during a live reporting round, please email

  • 9 December 2024: Based on the questions received from industry as part of the 12 November 2024 taxonomy focused industry roundtable on regulatory reporting, the PRA have put together a Q&A document.

    23 October 2024: We published the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.1 on 10 October 2024, which must be used for reporting with a reference date of 31 December 2024 or onwards. Taxonomy v2.0.1 has been published in line with the final reporting templates and instructions which will be published as part of the policy statement in response to consultation paper CP5/24 – Review of Solvency II: Restatement of assimilated law. We therefore do not expect to publish any further taxonomy updates for the policy statement to CP5/24 in 2024. Industry and software vendors are expected to commence technical implementation activities using taxonomy v2.0.1. Specifically, we would encourage software vendors to adopt the new taxonomy at the earliest opportunity to ensure that firms can participate in user acceptance testing in the second half of November.

    10 October 2024: We published the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.1, setting out the technical implementation of the requirements which will be outlined in PRA’s final reporting template and instructions as part of the policy statement to CP5/24 – Review of Solvency II: Restatement of assimilated law. An updated taxonomy 'known issues log' has been published to provide firms and software vendors with updates on the status of the issues. This is the final taxonomy publication and we do not expect to publish any further taxonomy updates this year.

    30 July 2024: Since the publication of the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.0, the PRA has received feedback from firms and identified issues which will be addressed in the hotfix scheduled for early Q4 2024. Consequently, the hotfix scope has changed from just validations to also include the taxonomy annotated templates and thus will be instance impacting. There will be changes and corrections to the DPM modelling, validations and labels. Entry points, table groups and naming conventions will remain unchanged. The PRA will update the taxonomy known issue log with the detail of these issues. A change log between v2.0.0 and the hotfix will be published along with the hotfix package.

    Based on the questions received from industry following the 14 May taxonomy focused roundtable, the PRA have put together a Q&A document and a template and instructions issue log. The PRA will update these documents as required to help firms with the implementation of the new Solvency UK regulatory reporting requirements.


    30 May 2024: Following the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.0 publication on 29 April we have today published a minor update to the XBRL filing manual and published a taxonomy known issues log. This log will be updated as required to describe issues the Bank of England is aware of in the taxonomy, including status updates and temporary solutions (where relevant).

    29 April 2024: We published the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.0, setting out the technical implementation of the requirements outlined in PS3/24 – Review of Solvency II: Reporting and disclosure phase 2 near-final. An updated XBRL filing manual has been published to help firms and software vendors when preparing to report.

    Early implementation of reporting measures 

    On 8 December 2023 the PRA published Solvency II Review - considerations for year-end 2023. The PRA is now issuing guidance on how firms that do not wish to file the templates set out in statement should report.

    • Regular Supervisory Report

    The requirement on firms to submit the RSR will be removed with effect from 31 December 2023. The reporting requirement will not be scheduled in the BEEDS portal.

    • Proposed changes to the reporting requirements of Solvency II Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRTs)

    For a series of template deletions consulted on in CP14/22 and CP12/23 the PRA is content not to receive the templates set out in Table 1 for reporting reference dates falling on or between 31 December 2023 and 30 December 2024, ahead of the proposed implementation of final policy on 31 December 2024. Therefore, any validation checks which relate to these templates will also be deactivated.

    Table 1: Template not required for reporting reference dates falling on or between 31 December 2023 and 30 December 2024

    Solvency II regulatory returns
    S.07.01 Structured products
    S.08.02 Derivatives transactions
    S.21.01 Loss distribution risk profile
    S.21.03 Non-life distribution of underwriting risks – by sum-insured
    S.31.02 Information on special purpose vehicles
    NS.06 Business Model Analysis (Life)

    The PRA proposes that firms select ‘Not reported’ in the content of the submission template (NS.00.01.01) against the NS.06 template, with reporting for the specified reporting reference dates using the Bank of England Insurance v1.3.1 XBRL taxonomy. The PRA proposes that firms select ‘Not reported other reason’ in the content of the submission template (S.01.01 series) against the remaining templates in Table 1, with reporting for the specified reporting reference dates using the EIOPA Solvency 2.6.0 XBRL taxonomy.

  • 6 November 2023: We published the Bank of England Insurance Taxonomy v2.0.0 Public Working Draft (PWD), setting out the technical implementation of the proposals outlined in CP14/22 and CP12/23

    We invite feedback from firms and software vendors on the PWD technical artefacts to by Friday 1 December 2023. We anticipate feedback will focus on the data modelling and validation rules we have proposed.

    23 June 2023: We published a follow up to the letter: Insights from PRA thematic review of general insurance reserving and capital modelling to Chief Actuaries.  


  • 16 December 2022: We have updated the list of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIGs) headquartered in the UK as follows:

    • Aviva plc
    • The British United Provident Association Limited
    • Legal & General Group Plc
    • M&G plc
    • Phoenix Group Holdings plc

    IAIGs are the focus of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (ComFrame). We have identified UK IAIGs in accordance with the criteria set out in ComFrame (CF 23.0.a and CF 23.0.b) for the purpose of the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) version 2.0 for the Monitoring Period. The Monitoring Period is intended as a period of stability during which the IAIS will monitor the performance of the ICS. It is not intended for monitoring the capital adequacy of IAIGs (ie the ICS will not trigger supervisory actions, and IAIGs need not manage their business to the ICS), or for third party use.

    This list is for informational purposes and should be used only in conjunction with ComFrame. This list may be subject to change.

    17 November 2022: We published FS 1/22 – Responses to DP 2/22 – ‘Potential Reforms to Risk Margin and Matching Adjustment within Solvency II.’

    20 October 2022: We published a letter from Nylesh Shah ‘Insights from PRA thematic review on general insurance reserving and capital modelling’. This letter is addressed to Chief Actuaries of general insurance firms and Lloyd’s Managing Agents regulated by the PRA and contains insights from the recent thematic review across the general insurance sector.

    25 August 2022: As per CP11/21 and PS29/21, the PRA has implemented EIOPA Taxonomy 2.6 for firms to use from 31 December 2021. Firms should be using this taxonomy to meet the reporting requirements set out in PS29/21.

    As the review of the Solvency II framework is currently underway, any future updates to the reporting taxonomy will follow any future changes to the PRA reporting requirements, which are subject to the PRA’s normal consultation process as required by FSMA. Therefore, firms should not implement EIOPA’s Taxonomy 2.7 or any subsequent publications.

    The PRA will consider implementation lead times, including the taxonomy, with a view to giving firms enough time to plan for and implement any additional proposals for the next phase of the review. The PRA cannot comment on the likely frequency of future taxonomy releases at this stage.

  • 26 October 2021: We published version 1.3.1 of the Bank of England Insurance taxonomy, which is a minor update. Please see Technical artefacts and support below.

    8 October 2021: We published CP20/21 ‘Trading activity wind-down’, to all PRA-authorised UK banks, their qualifying parent undertakings and PRA-designated investment firms that are engaged in trading activities, and relevant third country branches. This CP is also relevant to policymakers and practitioners that would expect to be involved in a firm’s resolution. This consultation closes on Friday 21 January 2022.

    20 September 2021: We published version 1.3.0 of the Bank of England Insurance taxonomy to support National Specific Templates (NSTs), Internal Model Outputs (IMO), Market Risk Sensitivities (MRS), and Standard Formula Reporting (SFR) reporting. Please see Technical artefacts and support below.

    9 August 2021: We published version 1.3.0 public working draft (PWD) of the Bank of England Insurance taxonomy to support National Specific Templates (NSTs), Internal Model Outputs (IMO), Market Risk Sensitivities (MRS), and Standard Formula Reporting (SFR) reporting. Please see Technical artefacts and support below.

    7 January 2021: We published CP1/21 ‘Solvency II: Deep, liquid and transparent assessments, and GBP transition to SONIA’. This CP is relevant to all UK Solvency II firms, including in respect of the Solvency II groups provisions, and to the Society of Lloyd’s and its managing agents. Non-Directive firms are out of the scope of this CP. This consultation closes on Wednesday 31 March 2021.

  • 23 September 2020: The FCA has announced that the first firms will start moving to the new data collection platform, RegData, which replaces Gabriel. Firms will be moving gradually in stages, and PRA firms are not expected to migrate to the new system until 2021. Please read the FCA news release for further information.

    15 December 2020: We published a letter from Anna Sweeney and Charlotte Gerken on ‘Insurance Supervision: 2021 Priorities’ to Chief Executive Officers of PRA regulated Insurance firms.

    4 September 2020: We published Policy Statement 20/20 ‘Responses to Chapters 2 to 7 of CP3/20 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’’, relevant to all PRA-authorised firms. For the insurance sector, this includes amendments to:

    The changes to Insurance Company – Mathematical Reserves come into effect on Friday 4 September 2020. The changes SMR forms come into effect on Sunday 25 October 2020. All other changes come into effect on Monday 30 November 2020.

    4 September 2020: We published v1.2.0 of the Bank of England Insurance taxonomy, which supports National Specific Templates (NSTs), Internal Model Outputs (IMO), Market Risk Sensitivities (MRS) and Standard Formula Reporting (SFR) reporting. We also updated the Solvency II XBRL filing manual. This follows Policy Statement (PS) 20/20 ‘Responses to Chapters 2 to 7 of CP3/20 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’’, published on Friday 4 September 2020. This will take effect from Monday 30 November 2020. For more information, please see the Technical artefacts and support section below.

    13 July 2020: We published a public working draft (PWD) of version 1.2.0 of the Bank of England Insurance taxonomy to support National Specific Templates (NSTs), Internal Model Outputs (IMO), Market Risk Sensitivities (MRS), and Standard Formula Reporting (SFR) reporting. The taxonomy, data point model (DPM) dictionary, annotated templates, and validation rules represent the requirements for Solvency II as set out in CP3/20 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’. We invite feedback, particularly from firms and software vendors, on the PWD technical artefacts by Monday 27 July 2020. We will aim to publish the final version of the taxonomy and DPM in September 2020. See Technical artefacts and support section for more information.

    1 July 2020: We published a letter from Sam Woods to all PRA-regulated firms on ‘Managing climate-related financial risk – thematic feedback from the PRA’s review of firms’ SS3/19 plans and clarification of expectations’. We also published a speech by Sarah Breeden ‘Leading the Change: Climate Action in the Financial Sector’.

    29 June 2020: It has come to our attention that the FCA address on the notification form, which is used by firms to notify the PRA and FCA when a notifiable event occurs or is deemed likely to occur, is incorrect. We are aware of this error and will consult on updating the form in due course. For notifications to the FCA, please see the revised version of the form, with the correct FCA address, at SUP 15 Ann 4 R in the FCA Handbook. 

    22 June 2020: The FCA has announced that the new data collection platform to replace Gabriel will be called RegData. The FCA explained what firms should expect and what they will need to do before they are moved to RegData. PRA firms are not expected to migrate to the new system for submission of returns until 2021.

    28 May 2020: We have identified the list of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIGs) headquartered in the UK as follows:

    • Aviva plc
    • Legal & General Group Plc
    • British United Provident Association Limited
    • RSA Insurance Group plc

    IAIGs are the focus of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (ComFrame). We have identified UK IAIGs in accordance to the criteria set out in ComFrame (CF 23.0.a and CF 23.0.b) for the purpose of the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) version 2.0 for the Monitoring Period. The Monitoring Period is intended as a period of stability during which the IAIS will monitor the performance of the ICS. It is not intended for monitoring the capital adequacy of IAIGs (ie the ICS will not trigger supervisory actions, and IAIGs need not manage their business to the ICS), or for third party use. 

    This list is for informational purposes and should be used only in conjunction with ComFrame. This list may be subject to change.

    26 March 2020: We published CP3/20 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper – March 2020’  which contains proposals for minor updates to National Specific Templates (NSTs) and associated LOG files, and the market risk sensitivities data item and associated instructions. 

    16 March 2020: We published PS7/20, ‘Solvency II: Adjusting for the reduction of loss absorbency where own fund instruments are taxed on conversion’, which includes final policy on the PRA’s expectation that insurers would deduct from their own funds the maximum tax charge before set off of any prior year losses (the tax charge) generated on conversion of a restricted Tier 1 (rT1) capital instrument.

    This policy came into effect on Monday 16 March 2020, and is relevant to UK insurance firms within the scope of Solvency II, the Society of Lloyd’s, and firms that are part of a Solvency II group that will determine and classify capital instruments under the Solvency II own funds regime, together with their advisors.

    15 January 2020: The Bank of England and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) are preparing to publish regular, aggregated data relating to the UK Insurance market on a quarterly basis. We published a ‘call for feedback’ to inform potential users of such data and the proposed content and presentation, and to invite comment and feedback that may help shape the publication. 
  • 9 December 2019: The Bank of England has updated the Solvency II XBRL filing manual to help firms and software vendors create XBRL instance documents for Solvency II Pillar 3 and Bank of England Insurance reporting. See Technical artefacts and support below for the updated filing manual. 

    30 November 2019: Following publication of PS21/19 ‘Responses to CP13/19 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’’, minor updates and clarifications to National Specific Templates (NSTs), internal model output (IMO) templates and their associated LOG files are now in effect. These are available in the National Specific Templates (NSTs) and Internal model output sections below.

    14 October 2019: We published v1.1.0 of the Bank of England Insurance XBRL taxonomy, alongside related artefacts. This taxonomy is to be used for the collection of National Specific Templates (NSTs), internal model output (IMO), market risk sensitivities (MRS) and standard formula for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01) reporting which follows Policy Statement (PS) 21/19 ‘Responses to CP13/19 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’’, published on Monday 30 September 2019. This will take effect from Wednesday 30 November 2019. For more information see the technical artefacts and support section below.

    14 October 2019: On 16 July 2019 the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published an update to firms announcing a new platform to improve the way data is collected from firms, which will include replacing Gabriel, and opened a survey for users of Gabriel. The FCA has now published an update on the three key areas of improvement that they will focus on following user feedback. These include:

    • accessing Gabriel
    • viewing reporting schedules
    • submitting data

    We continue to work with the FCA on improvements to the shared Gabriel system. For more information or to take part in the survey see the FCA’s website.

    30 September 2019We published a joint Policy Statement (PS) with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), PS22/19 ‘FCA and PRA changes to mortgage reporting requirements’. This PS is relevant to: mortgage lenders; home finance administrators; and entities, which own mortgage books but which are not authorised to lend. 

    As part of PS22/19 the PRA has also published updated versions of the:

    The updated MLAR notes and form are available on the Regulatory reporting – Banking sector Banks, building societies and investment firms webpage

    30 September 2019: We published PS21/19 ‘Responses to CP13/19 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’’, which included updated National Specific Template and Internal model output templates and LOG files. These changes come into effect from Saturday 30 November 2019.
    17 July 2019: We published a public working draft (PWD) of version 1.1.0 of the Bank of England Insurance XBRL taxonomy to support collection of the proposed changes to National Specific Templates (NSTs), internal model output (IMO), market risk sensitivities (MRS) and standard formula (SF) reporting, alongside related technical artefacts. The taxonomy, data point model (DPM) dictionary, annotated templates and validation rules represent the requirements for Solvency II as set out in CP13/19 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’. We invite feedback, particularly from firms and software vendors, on the PWD of the taxonomy and DPM artefacts by Wednesday 7 August 2019. We will aim to publish the updated Insurance XBRL taxonomy by the end of October 2019. See the Technical artefacts and support section below for more information.
    16 July 2019: The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced a new platform to improve the way data is collected from firms, which will include replacing Gabriel. See the FCA’s website for more information on upcoming work on this platform, including a survey for users of Gabriel to help the FCA shape their thinking.

    7 June 2019: We published CP13/19 ‘Occasional Consultation Paper’ which contains proposals for minor updates, corrections and clarifications to National Specific Templates (NSTs), internal model output templates, and associated LOG files. 

    During the consultation period, we will be issuing a Public Working Draft (PWD) of the taxonomy update to support collection of the proposed changes to NSTs, internal model output, market risk sensitivities (MRS) and standard formula (SF) reporting. The PWD will include the interaction of these changes with the draft EIOPA Taxonomy 2.4 changes. The PRA plans to give firms no less than three weeks to review the PWD.

    Solvency II - 8 April 2019: We issued the following two updates relevant to Solvency II insurers:

    1. National Specific Templates - we published a document to address inconsistencies in the NS.07 template, and assist firms in its submission for year-end 2018, see National Specific Templates (NSTs).
    2. Bank of England Insurance XBRL taxonomy v1.0.0 – we released a hotfix for the Bank of England Insurance data point model (DPM) and XBRL taxonomy v1.0.0, and technical artefacts to address inconsistencies identified. We also published an updated Solvency II XBRL filing manual to update sections that reference the Bank of England insurance XBRL filings, see Technical artefacts and support

    28 February 2019: We published near-final policy to deliver the general approach being taken to ensure there is a functioning legal framework when the UK leaves the EU. This includes Supervisory Statement 2/19 ‘PRA approach to interpreting reporting and disclosure requirements and regulatory transactions forms after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU’.

    20 February 2019: On Wednesday 20 February, we published PS4/19 ‘Solvency II: Adjusting for the reduction of loss absorbency where own fund instruments are taxed on write down’,  and an updated SS3/15 ‘Solvency II: The quality of capital instruments’. This includes a reporting clarification (available below in the reporting clarification section) that sets out the basis of how firms can report restricted tier 1 (rT1) instruments in own funds that are classified as equity instruments under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This note also includes a clarification on how firms can report externally issued, equity accounted rT1 instruments which write down on trigger and are within scope of PS4/19.

    This note is relevant to all firms in scope of Solvency II and to the Society of Lloyd’s and relates to the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Supervisory Reporting. 

    13 February 2019: We published PS3/19 ‘PRA fees and levies: Changes to periodic and transaction fees’, including amendments to the PRA Fees part of the Rulebook and an update to SS3/16 ‘Fees: PRA approach and application’. These updates come into effect on Friday 1 March 2019.

    Solvency II - 7 February 2019: The Bank of England has updated the Solvency II XBRL filing manual to help firms and software vendors create XBRL instance documents for Solvency II Pillar 3 reporting in light of the EIOPA Solvency II Taxonomy 2.3.0 hotfix update. See Technical artefacts and support below for the updated filing manual. We are planning to publish a further update to the filing manual in Spring 2019, to include updates to the NST sections following publication of Policy Statement 21/18 ‘Solvency II: Changes to reporting format’. For reporting against the Bank of England insurance taxonomy, the Bank will adopt the same filing rules articulated for Solvency II reporting (in the Solvency II filing manual), where appropriate.

  • Solvency II – 31 December 2018: Following publication of PS21/18 ‘Solvency II: Changes to reporting format’, SS6/18 'Solvency II: National Specific Templates LOG files' and PS24/18 ‘Solvency II: Updates to internal model output reporting’, related templates and LOG files have been updated to reflect the Monday 31 December 2018 effective date. These are available in the National Specific Templates (NSTs) and Internal model outputs sections below.

    Solvency II – Update 17 October 2018: We published Policy Statement (PS) 24/18 ‘Solvency II: Updates to internal model output reporting’, and accompanying updated Supervisory Statement (SS) 25/15 ‘Solvency II: regulatory reporting internal model outputs’ and SS26/15 ‘Solvency II: ORSA and the ultimate time horizon – non-life firms’. The internal model output templates and LOG files that will take effect from Monday 31 December 2018 are available in the Internal model outputs section.

    Solvency II – Update 17 October 2018: We published v1.0.0 of the Bank of England insurance XBRL taxonomy. This version covers the requirements for the reporting of internal model output (IMO), market risk sensitivities (MRS), National Specific Templates (NSTs), and standard formula reporting for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01). For more information see the Taxonomy section.

    Solvency II – Update 21 September 2018: We published a public working draft (PWD) of the standalone internal model output (IMO) and market risk sensitivities (MRS) taxonomy, alongside related technical artefacts, that will make up part of the Bank’s insurance XBRL taxonomy. Firms and software vendors are invited to provide feedback on the data point modelling, annotated templates, validations, and XBRL taxonomy to by Friday 28 September 2018. See the Solvency II firms - 2. Taxonomy section below for more information.

    Solvency II – Update 10 August 2018: We published a public working draft (PWD) of the standalone National Specific Templates (NSTs) and standard formula reporting for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01) taxonomy, alongside related technical artefacts, that will make up part of the Bank’s insurance XBRL taxonomy. The PWD follows Policy Statement (PS) 21/18 ‘Solvency II: Changes to reporting format’. Firms and software vendors are invited to provide feedback on the modelling, annotated templates, validations, and XBRL taxonomy to by Friday 24 August 2018. See the Solvency II firms - 2. Taxonomy section below for more information.

    Solvency II - Update 26 July 2018: We published Policy Statement 21/18 ‘Changes to reporting format’. As part of PS21/18 there is a change to the reporting format from Microsoft Excel workbooks to XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) standards for:

    • National specific Templates (NSTs)
    • internal model outputs (IMO)
    • market risk sensitivities (MRS)
    • standard formula reporting for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01, model drift).

    The changes to the reporting format will be effective for submissions of year-end 2018 information, from Monday 31 December 2018 onwards. As noted in the update on 29 June below, final taxonomy releases for NSTs, IMO, MRS and SF.01 will be published on this page in the future.

    Solvency II - Update 13 July 2018: We published a Quarterly Model Change reporting template QMC01 and QMC01 LOG file in an update to Supervisory Statement 17/16 ‘Solvency II: internal models – assessment, model change and the role of non-executive directors’, see section 1 i) below.

    Solvency II - Update 6 July 2018: We published Policy Statement 16/18 'Changes in insurance reporting requirements'. As part of Supervisory Statement 6/18 'National Specific Templates LOG files' we published updates to NST LOG files that take effect from Monday 31 December 2018. See NST section below.

    Solvency II - Update 29 June 2018In addressing feedback received to CP11/18 'Solvency II: Changes in reporting format', we are keen to ensure firms have a sufficient period to implement proposed changes for year-end 2018 reporting (for year-ends 31 December 2018 onwards). The table in section 1c) Reporting schedules below outlines the planned dates for availability of the required information.

    Update June 2018: In addressing feedback received to CP11/18 'Solvency II: Changes in reporting format', we are keen to ensure firms have a sufficient period to implement proposed changes for year-end 2018 reporting (for year-ends 31 December 2018 onwards). The following table outlines the planned dates for the availability of the required information. In view of the degree of internal reorganisation and IT infrastructure required by firms to facilitate the migration to the new reporting format, the indicative timelines set out above are intended to assist for planning purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, these dates are approximate and may be subject to change.

    Planned date Publication

    July 2018

    Publication of final Policy Statement on changes proposed to National Specific Templates in CP2/18 ‘Changes to insurance reporting requirements’.
    Publication of final Policy Statement on changes proposed to reporting format in CP11/18 ‘Solvency II: changes in reporting format’.
    August 2018 Public Working Drafts of the relevant XBRL technical artefacts for National Specific Templates and Standard formula reporting for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01).
    September 2018 Public Working Drafts of the relevant XBRL technical artefacts for Market risk sensitivities.
    Public Working Drafts of the relevant XBRL technical artefacts for Internal model outputs using the proposals outlined in CP10/18 ‘Solvency II: updates to internal model output reporting’.
    October 2018 Publication of final Policy Statement on changes proposed to internal model outputs in CP10/18 ‘Solvency II: updates to internal model output reporting'.
    Final taxonomy releases for NSTs, IMO, MRS and SF.01.
    Early 2019  User Acceptance Testing windows for BEEDS submission for NSTs, IMO, MRS and SF.01.

    Solvency II - Update 7 February 2018: The Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) user guide has been updated to incorporate changes that have been made as part of ongoing system maintenance, as well as important information regarding account practices. Solvency II firms that use the BEEDS portal should take the time to familiarise themselves with this document.

    PDF BEEDS portal user guide - Solvency II

    Update 11 January 2018: The PRA published Consultation Paper 2/18 ‘Changes in insurance reporting requirements’. This CP is the third and final consultation referred in the News Release of 25 October 2017. The CP is relevant to all UK Solvency II firms, Society of Lloyd’s and its managing agents and mutuals. In this CP, the PRA proposes a number of regulatory reporting changes designed to reduce the burden for Solvency II firms and mutuals whilst maintaining the PRA’s ability to meet its statutory objectives and to supervise firms.

    Solvency II - Update 8 January 2018: The Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) user guide has been updated to reflect system changes relevant to firms using the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment.

    PDF BEEDS portal user guide - Solvency II

    Solvency II - Update 8 January 2018: We published a Solvency II filing manual update. The Bank of England has now updated the Solvency II XBRL filing manual to help firms and software vendors create XBRL instance documents for Solvency II Pillar 3 reporting in light of the latest EIOPA Solvency II Taxonomy 2.2.0 update (the Bank will be adopting the Taxonomy 2.2.0 hotfix).

    This includes information about ad hoc submissions. All firms need to be aware of the potential use of the ‘ad hoc submission’ option in the basic information template {S.01.02, R0100} which will be fully functioning in the Solvency II Taxonomy 2.2.0. This will allow supervisors to request, receive and accept submissions including only specific template(s) or even selected data points. EIOPA has foreseen at least three special cases when ad hoc submissions may be required, see section 1.6.2 of the updated filing manual.

    PDF Solvency II XBRL filing manual

Solvency UK reporting

There are specific reporting requirements for firms under Solvency UK. This section sets out information under the following areas:

1. Regulatory reporting

a) Current templates and instructions

b) Reporting schedules

c) Legal Entity Identifiers

d) Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR)

e) Internal model outputs

f) Market risk sensitivities

g) Standard formula SCR reporting templates for firms with an approved internal model

2. Technical artefacts and support

3. How to report: BEEDS (Bank of England Electronic Data Submission) portal

4. Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Regulatory reporting

a) Current templates and instructions

The Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook sets out which QRTs firms must report and contains links to the individual templates and instructions. The templates and instructions were published in PS15/24 and the zip files containing the full set of templates and instructions are repeated below.

b) Reporting schedules

The following document sets out the reporting schedule for a firm with a year end of 31 December:

PRA Solvency UK reporting schedule firms with a year end of 31 December 

The following document sets out the reporting schedules for non-December year end:

PRA Solvency UK reporting schedules firms with a non-December year end

c) Legal Entity Identifiers

We request all firms within the scope of Solvency UK to request an LEI code.

In the UK, LEI codes are allocated and maintained by the London Stock Exchange, which has been endorsed by the UK’s Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) as an authorised Local Operating Unit (LOU) for the UK. 

For firms that are part of a group, we request that all entities within the group obtain an LEI code, including holding and dormant companies. We acknowledge that this may prove burdensome for some firms, however believe there are important advantages of using LEI codes for regulatory reporting across borders and the financial industry. 

Should entities within a firm’s group be unable to obtain LEI codes, we suggest the firm constructs a code in an appropriate format.

‘For non-EEA undertakings and non-regulated undertakings within the group, identification code provided will be provided by the group. When allocating an identification code to each non-EEA or non-regulated undertaking, it should comply with the following format in a consistent manner: identification code of the parent undertaking + ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country of the undertaking + 5 digits.’

When a code constructed in this manner is used within the reporting templates, the ‘Type of Code of Undertaking’ should be recorded as a ‘specific code’ rather than an LEI.

We request all firms to notify their usual supervisory contact to confirm that an LEI code has been requested, as appropriate.

d) Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR)

Firms are required to produce a Solvency and Financial Condition Report on an annual basis. The format of this report is set out in the Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook Chapter 3.

e) Internal model outputs

The templates and instructions outlining the relevant information requested for internal model output reporting are available in section 1a. Please see Supervisory Statement (SS) 25/15 'Solvency II: regulatory reporting internal model outputs' and SS26/15 'Solvency II: ORSA and the ultimate time horizon - non-life firms'.

f) Market risk sensitivities

The templates and instructions outlining the relevant information requested for internal model output reporting are available in section 1a. Please see Supervisory Statement 7/17 'Solvency II: Data collection of market risk sensitivities'.

g) Standard formula SCR reporting templates for firms with an approved internal model (SF.01) 

The template outlining the relevant information requested for standard formula reporting is available below. Please see Supervisory Statement 15/16 ‘Solvency II: Monitoring model drift and standard formula SCR reporting for firms with an approved internal model’ for more information.

Template SF01 

2. Technical artefacts and support

Below provides information on the Solvency II taxonomy as well as the Bank of England Insurance XBRL Taxonomy which should be used for regulatory submissions. It also contains a link to the Bank of England's XBRL filing manual. In case of questions or if issues are identified in the published taxonomy or in the taxonomy validations, please report these to

Bank of England XBRL filing manual

Last updated: 30 May 2024

We have produced the XBRL filing manual to help firms and software vendors create XBRL instance documents for reporting against Bank of England taxonomies. There is a large degree of flexibility in the XBRL reporting standard and certain decisions have been taken to remove any ambiguity and uncertainty in how to report.

The aim of the document is to:

  • define filing rules that limit the flexibility of XBRL in construction of XBRL instance documents (in addition to rules defined in the XBRL specifications and Bank of England taxonomies);
  • provide additional guidelines related to the filing of data in general or in specific cases; and
  • provide guidance on common issues found with generating XBRL instance documents and how to resolve them.

3. How to report: BEEDS

Firms will use the Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) portal to submit the required Solvency UK regulatory returns.

Firms' CEOs are asked to nominate a principal user who will be responsible for submitting their firm's Solvency UK submissions via BEEDS. Principal users are provided with log in details for BEEDS, and additional users can then be set up. Materials are available below to help firms familiarise themselves with the BEEDS portal in time to make their submission by the relevant deadlines.

4. Frequently asked questions

We have put together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help insurance firms with questions they may have on the submission of Solvency UK information.

To raise further questions with the PRA, firms can contact:

Non-Directive firms

Under Solvency UK, non-Directive firms are, in general, those with gross premium income below £25 million and gross technical provisions of less than £50 million. These are not the only criteria that determine whether a firm is out of scope of Solvency UK, so firms should therefore review Chapter 2 of the Insurance General Application Part of the PRA Rulebook where in doubt.

Non-Directive firms are subject to the rules in the Non-Solvency II firms sector of the PRA Rulebook which came into effect on 1 January 2016.

How to report

Firms are strongly encouraged to use the Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) portal to submit the required regulatory returns under the non-Directive firm regime.

Firms have been asked to nominate a principal user who will be responsible for making their firm's submissions to BEEDS. We will liaise with the firm’s nominated principal user for all matters related to BEEDS.

Any firm wishing to make secure submissions via the BEEDS portal that has not yet notified us should contact

Firms can also make submissions via email to

Friendly societies

Friendly societies are categorised as either 'Directive' or 'non-Directive'. A friendly society is classified as non-Directive if it meets the definition in the PRA Rulebook Glossary. Otherwise it is classified as a Directive friendly society. Directive friendly societies are generally larger than non-Directive friendly societies.

Directive friendly societies

Directive friendly societies are treated exactly the same as insurance companies from a regulatory reporting perspective and their reporting requirements are governed by the Solvency UK Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook.

Non-Directive societies

All non-Directive friendly societies that fall under the Friendly Society Act 1992 are required to submit their annual accounts within six months of their year-end. If a non-Directive friendly society falls under the Friendly Society Act 1974, then they must submit their annual accounts within seven months of their year-end. In addition, all societies except flat rates benefits business friendly societies and partnership pension societies must submit a triennial valuation (FSC2) and an FSC4 in the years between each triennial return.

How to report

Firms are strongly encouraged to use the Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) portal to submit the required regulatory returns.

Firms are asked to nominate a principal user who will be responsible for making their firm's submissions to BEEDS. We will liaise with the firm’s nominated principal user for all matters related to BEEDS. 

Any firm wishing to make secure submissions via the BEEDS portal that has not yet notified us should contact

Alternatively, returns can be submitted electronically to

Contact us

If you have any queries on regulatory reporting for insurance firms, please contact the Firm Enquiries Team:

Phone: 020 3461 7000

Historical information and materials for insurance reporting are available on The National Archives

Technical queries about the RegData system are handled by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firms experiencing systems issues should contact the FCA Contact Centre in the first instance on 0300 500 0597.

RegData | FCA

Working with the Financial Conduct Authority

We work with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to make sure the regulatory reporting processes for dual-regulated firms are efficient. We want to ensure that firms are only asked to submit data sets once and, to help achieve this, we will share data where it is appropriate to do so. We will also share data on firms that are not dual-regulated where necessary, to ensure that we each have a complete view of the market.

A memorandum of understanding between the FCA and the Bank of England (exercising its prudential regulation functions) sets out how we will work together.

The Memorandum of Understanding obliges us to consult each other on changes to data/forms that are collected regularly, including the use of shared data definitions; and, the management of data systems to allow for efficient sharing. 

Much regulatory data for PRA firms continues to be collected by the FCA. This includes reporting via the FCA’s RegData system, the submission of firms’ controllers and close links reports and the reporting of changes to firms’ standing data.

Statistical reporting obligations have not changed.

This page was last updated 10 March 2025