This page contains information concerning the use or copying of material made available on our website, including but not limited to the Bank of England Database (known as the Database), the Prudential Regulation Authority Rulebook (known as the Rulebook), and Bank of England social media channels (known collectively as the Resources). Please note that by using any of the Resources you accept these terms.
The Resources are provided for general reference purposes only.
While every effort is made to ensure that the Resources are up to date and accurate, the Bank does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the Resources, and to the fullest extent permissible by law, does not accept any liability for loss or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, resulting from the use of or the inability to use the Resources.
The Bank is not responsible for how the information contained in any of the Resources is used, how it is interpreted or what reliance is placed on it. No user should act or refrain from acting on the information contained in the Resources without first verifying the information and obtaining professional advice.
We do not guarantee that the Resources will be available at all times, or that they are free from errors or viruses. Data downloaded is done so at your own risk. We recommend that you take adequate measures to protect your own system.
The Bank reserves the right to terminate or restrict user access to the Resources if it determines that a user is acting in a manner contrary to the interests of other users, e.g. excessive use.
Links to other sites are provided for your convenience, but the Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of those sites or of any external site which links to this site.
Any dispute arising out of use of the Resources or these terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England, and the user and the Bank submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. The Bank's omission to exercise any right under these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right.