We value diversity and inclusion

We’re building a diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace

Why we value diversity and inclusion

As an organisation we want to reflect the society we serve. This means that that we look for the best people from a variety of backgrounds, geographical locations and life experiences to work for us. 

We also want to encourage diverse ideas, open debate and perspectives that challenge our current ‘norms’.

If you work for us, we’d like you to feel you can be yourself and achieve your full potential.

One way that we are able to support diversity and inclusion is through our staff-run networks. 

Through our networks we organise many social and informative events to bring our communities together. We promote a working environment where everyone – regardless of their background, identity or experience of life can feel safe, recognised and confident to be themselves. 

Our networks are:

Age Network

The Age Network provides support, community and promote awareness of the lived experiences of colleagues experiencing age related issues.

We aim to ensure that all staff, regardless of their age, are treated fairly, feel supported and listened to, and have the opportunity to develop fulfilling and productive careers at the Bank of England.

Bank Employees That Served (BETS)

BETS supports colleagues with connections to the Armed Forces and emergency services. This includes military veterans, those that still serve in the Reserve Forces, are retained members, the emergency services or have family members in the services. 

We promote the benefits that former military and emergency service personnel can bring to the Bank of England. We encourage understanding of how their training, experiences and skills can broaden the capabilities within our organisation. 

The work that BETS has done to ensure that those who have served (as well as their families), aren’t disadvantaged in the workplace, has been recognised with a Gold Award from the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

Bank of England Ethnic Minorities (BEEM) Network

BEEM aims to raise awareness of the issues facing minority ethnic colleagues. As a network, we are committed to enriching our colleagues’ lived experiences and building a connected community. We support our members’ development and encourage them to share their personal experiences and cultures.

BEEM works closely with senior leaders and our People Directorate to give feedback, constructive challenge and provide diversity of thought. We work towards greater representation, equity of outcomes for minority ethnic colleagues, and building an inclusive workplace. 

Carers Network

Our Carers Network supports colleagues who are looking after someone with chronic illness, disability or mental health issues or anyone with additional needs. 

We feel that being a carer can be tremendously rewarding. But it’s also extremely demanding. The Carers Network provides information, advice, and much needed support so that colleagues can balance their responsibilities with a successful career. 

We are proud that the Bank of England has been accredited as an Accomplished Carer Confident Employer by the charity Employers for Carers. This is a recognition of its support for carers in the workplace and its carer-friendly policies - including its carers leave policy. 

Carer confident scheme

Christian Union

The Christian Union is open to Christians of any (or no) denominational background. This network is also open to colleagues who don’t consider themselves Christians but are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. 

Its members regularly come together to study the Bible, pray, talk, and socialise - with a focus on their faith and how it influences their work and everyday lives.

disAbility Network

The disAbility Network provides a safe space and community for our colleagues with a disability or long-term health condition. We promote awareness of the lived experiences of colleagues with disabilities. We provide individualised support to help colleagues reach their full potential and to build a positive vision around disability across the organisation.

The network has also set up the ‘Disability Allies’ group. Our Disability Allies help to create widespread disability inclusion across the Bank of England. The allies proactively invest time in supporting colleagues with disabilities by deepening their own understanding of disability, promoting and sharing information about disability in their local areas, and being role models of inclusive behaviours.

External Recruits

The External Recruits Network (ERN) supports colleagues that are new to the Bank of England.  We work to ensure that new recruits are informed of opportunities to gain experience and thrive within the Bank of England. 

The ERN engages with senior leaders to provide comparative insights about other employers and employee experiences to help keep the Bank of England in step with the changing employment landscape. 

Jewish Network

The Jewish Network provides a community for all Jewish people in the Bank of England - including Orthodox, Conservative, Progressive, Cultural and Atheistic Jews. 

The network runs events to bring staff together and increase their understanding of Judaism. We also support members by raising awareness around Kosher food, offering resources for managers relating to issues affecting Jewish staff and flexible working to fulfil Jewish practice during working hours. 

We also run joint events with other networks including multi-faith events.

LGBTQ+ Network

Our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion has been recognised by Inclusive Employers, the OUTstanding Role Models list, Rainbow Honours and Stonewall.

In 2024 we were recognised as a Top 100 Employer for the LGBTQ+ community - ranking number 55 in Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index. We also achieved a Gold Award, recognising our commitment to the inclusion of our LGBTQ+ community. 

Our LGBTQ+ Network is open to every member of staff. This includes people who may not identify as LGBTQ+ themselves, but who actively support their LGBTQ+ colleagues. We have a dedicated network steering group which includes consultants specialising in Bi+, trans and non-binary, and lesbian inclusion. This along with the support of colleagues, and our action plan, keeps us accountable and committed to push for progress. 

Mental Health Network

The Mental Health Network (MHN) works to raise awareness of issues relating to mental health and improving understanding of mental health diagnoses. 

We provide support to colleagues who are experiencing - or have loved ones who are experiencing - mental ill-health. 

Mental health is a key aspect of the Wellbeing Strategy at the Bank of England. As part of this we have provided important training for a number of our staff who are now qualified Mental Health First Aiders and are able to provide assistance to colleagues in times of need.

The MHN play a crucial role in continually challenging stigma or discrimination faced by those who experience mental ill-health. It also provides important representation and advocacy in discussions about new policy and guidance which may relate to mental health.

Mental health is important for us all, we host events that bring people together though shared experience. We encourage colleagues at all levels to share their experiences, through panel events, ‘coffee hours’ and even videos like this one where our staff speak openly about their mental health

City Mental Health Alliance logo

Muslim Network

The Muslim Network aims to represent, support, connect and champion Muslim colleagues throughout the organisation. We ensure no one ever has to compromise their religious obligations or spiritual needs in order to excel in their professional role.

The network organises events and activities, including Islamophobia Awareness Month, interfaith events, and a large Eid celebration for all colleagues to attend.

The network is currently 170+ members strong, and everyone is welcome to join.


The Parents+ Network helps colleagues with children feel valued, supported, and able to realise their potential at work as well as at home.

 We support colleagues with children of all ages, and colleagues affected by issues including fertility and baby loss.

In 2022, the Bank of England’s Parent+ Network was named Best Family Network, and joint first for Supporting Fertility and Pathways to Parenthood at the Working Families Best Practice Awards. 

Top 30 employer for working families 2022

Women in the Bank Network

Our Women in the Bank Network inspires, enables and supports all women and female identifying colleagues in the Bank of England - with the aim of creating fulfilling, productive careers.

As a network, we celebrate our successes internally and by participating in various external awards.

By aligning with the Bank of England’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion mission, we have been able to work with senior leaders across the organisation to provide feedback, challenge perception and ideas, offer recommendations, and help to meet goals around gender equality.

Women in the Bank is run by colleagues of different backgrounds and experiences who are all passionate about delivering positive change and progress. We champion women and female identifying colleagues across the board – including the richly diverse intersectionalities.

This page was last updated 12 March 2025