Bankstats tables

These datasets provide more detailed breakdowns and longer time series of some of the data we publish in our statistical releases, alongside other statistics we compile.


This data consists of: money and lending; monetary financial institutions' balance sheets; further analyses of deposits and lending; external business of banks operating in the UK, public sector debt and the money markets (including gilt repo and stock lending); sterling commercial paper, other debt securities, capital issues; financial derivatives and interest and exchange rates.

Bankstats tables

2024 release dates

  • 30 August 2024 (July 2024 data)
  • 30 September 2024 (August 2024 data)
  • 29 October 2024 (September 2024 data)
  • 29 November 2024 (October 2024 data)
  • 3 January 2025 (November 2024 data)
  • 30 January 2025 (December 2024 data)

If you have an enquiry regarding Bankstats data, email:

Charging policy

If an external request for data cannot be answered by referring to existing published sources such as: Bankstats, Statistical Releases (free), annual Statistical Abstract, Financial Statistics (ONS publication) or the Internet pages; Data and Statistics Division (DSD) may be able to provide such data on an ad-hoc basis. 

In such cases DSD will provide these data free of charge for customers from Central Government (HMT, ONS and other UK government departments), International Organisations (BIS, Eurostat, EMI, IMF, OECD, etc) and other Central Banks or Governments.  For other customers DSD reserves the right to make a reasonable charge, agreed in advance, and based on the resource cost, should it incur significant costs in providing the requested data normally exceeding one half of a person day.

*SA = seasonally adjusted
*NSA = not seasonally adjusted

Money and lending

Monetary financial institutions' balance sheets, income and expenditure

Further analyses of deposits and lending

Public sector debt and money markets operations (including reserves)

  • Reserve target range Rate paid on:
    Bank rate Lower Upper Lending facility Deposit facility Operational lending facility Operational deposit facility
    Official rates and ranges B47D B88M B89M B48D B49D B82C B83C
  • Bank of England liabilities Bank of England assets
    Reserves balances Operational deposit facility Short term repos Longer term repos Contingent Term Repo facility Gilts Operational lending facility
    SMF assets and liabilities, average amounts outstanding in maintenance periods B43D B85C ZOJ5 B37D B7PD B7I2 B84C
  • Short term reverse repos of which: Long term reverse repos of which: Gilts Total OMO related flows
    6 months Total
    New Maturing New Maturing New Maturing Purchases Redemptions Revaluations
    Daily flows ZOJ6 ZOJ8 B38C B26D B27C B28C B5I5 B5I6 B5I7 B5I8
  • Lending of any duration
    Average daily values in £ millions Z5H4
  • Gilts Stock of corporate bond purchase schemes holdings financed by the creation of central bank reserves Stock of corporate bond purchase schemes nominal holdings financed by the creation of central bank reserves Quantity of assets purchased by the creation of central bank reserves
    Weekly Purchases Weekly Sales Stock of holdings financed by the creation of central bank reserves
    Asset purchase facility B9T8 ZOG2 B9T9 ZOM2 ZJ5J B9R9
  • Term funding scheme with additional incentives for SMEs Aggregate drawings financed by the creation of central bank reserves
    New Maturing/repaid Net drawings financed by the creation of central bank reserves
    Bank of England ZOQ7 ZOQ8 ZOQ9 ZJ5N
  • Deposits in the Alternative Liquidity Facility
    Monthly average aggregate deposits in £ millions ZOD8
  • Change in level of total reserves Underlying change in reserves Foreign currency reserves Reserve position in the IMF Special drawing rights (SDRs) Gold Other reserve assets of which: Bonds and notes Money market instruments Currency and deposits with monetary authorities Currency and deposits with banks Financial derivatives US dollars Euro Yen Other currencies Unallocated Short term loans Medium and long term loans Liability due to allocation of special drawing rights (SDRs) Other liabilities Liability due to special drawing rights (SDRs) allocation Other Total
    Claims on residents Balance of payment reserves
    Changes (not seasonally adjusted) BABS BABT
    Amounts outstanding (not seasonally adjusted) BAAA BAAC BAAD BAAE BAAF BAAB BABQ BAAG
    Reserve by instrument (not seasonally adjusted) BAAK BAAL BAAN BAAO BAAP BAAR
    Reserves by currency (not seasonally adjusted) BABA BABB BABC BABD B8Z7 BAAR
    Debt by instrument (not seasonally adjusted) LAAC LAAA LAAD LAAE LAAF LAAG
    Debt by currency (not seasonally adjusted) LAAN LAAH LAAI LAAJ LAAK LAAL LAAM LAAO
  • Short term deposit liabilities Money market instruments Bonds and notes Other liabilities US dollars Euro Yen Other currencies Gold Currency and deposits Securities Other assets Of which claim on residents Total
    Liabilities by instrument (not seasonally adjusted) LAAW LABA LAAV LAAY LAAZ
    Liabilities by currency (not seasonally adjusted) LAAP LAAQ LAAR LAAS LAAT LAAU
    Assets by instrument (not seasonally adjusted) BAAW BAAU BAAV BAAX BAAT BAAY
    Assets by currency (not seasonally adjusted) BABJ BABK BABL BABM BAAW BABO

Capital issuance

Financial derivatives

  • £ millions, not seasonally adjusted
    Amounts outstanding of liabilities by counterparty
    UK banks and building societies UK public sector Other financial corporations Other UK residents Non-resident banks Other non-residents Total

    Amounts outstanding of assets by counterparty
    UK banks and building societies UK public sector Other financial corporations Other UK residents Non-resident banks Other non-residents Total Net Assets

    Amounts outstanding of liabilities by risk and product
    Interest rate Foreign exchange Commodity and equity Credit derivatives Total
    Swaps Options Futures and forwards Other Swaps Options Futures and forwards Other
    B8Q2 B8Q3 B8Q4 B8Q5 B8Q6 B8Q7 B8Q8 B8Q9 TADF TADG TADA

    Amounts outstanding of assets by risk and product
    Interest rate Foreign exchange Commodity and equity Credit derivatives Total
    Swaps Options Futures and forwards Other Swaps Options Futures and forwards Other
    B9Q2 B9Q3 B9Q4 B9Q5 B9Q6 B9Q7 B9Q8 B9Q9 TADN TADO TAEH

Interest and exchange rates

  • Sterling interbank rates (midpoint) Gilt repo general collateral rates 3 month
    Euro-currency offered rates
    SONIA 1 week 2 week 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 year Overnight 1 week 2 week 1 month 3 month US$ Euro
    3 month Treasury bills
    Sterling US$
    Discount rates AJNB LUST
  • British government securities 0.875% BOE 1.25% BOE 1.25% BOE 2.5% IL
    zero coupon nominal yields Euro Note Euro Note Euro Note Treasury
    5 year 10 year 20 year 2017 2018 2019 2020
    Sterling effective exchange rate indices Effective exchange rate indices
    January 2005 = 100 1990 average=100 Spot rates £/$ Forward rates
    Narrow Broad US dollars Euro Yen £/$ Euro/£ £/Yen 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 year
    Exchange rates BK67 BK82 USG ERG JYG USS SER JYS DS1 DS3 DS6 DSY
  • Secured lending rates Consumer credit rates Deposit rates
    2 year 60% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied ZICQ
    2 year 75% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied BV34
    2 year 85% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied ZICR
    2 year 90% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied B482
    2 year 95% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied 2WTL
    3 year 75% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied BV37
    5 year 75% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied BV42
    5 year 95% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied 5WTL
    10 year 75% LTV fixed-rate owner occupied BV45
    2 year 75% LTV variable-rate owner occupied BV48
    2 year 90% LTV variable-rate owner occupied B479
    2 year 95% LTV variable-rate owner occupied 2WDT
    Lifetime tracker owner occupied BV24
    Standard variable (SVR) owner occupied TLMV
    2 year 75% LTV fixed-rate buy-to-let ZID4
    £5,000 personal loan BX67
    £10,000 personal loan HPTL
    Credit card CCTL
    Overdraft ODTL
    Instant access saving including unconditional bonuses B6VJ
    Instant access savings excluding unconditional bonuses B6VK
    Cash ISA variable-rate including unconditional bonuses B6VL
    Cash ISA variable-rate excluding unconditional bonuses B6VM
    1 year fixed-rate cash ISA B6VN
    2 year fixed-rate cash ISA ZID2
    1 year fixed-rate bond WTFA
    2 year fixed-rate bond B6RH
    3 year fixed rate bond B6RI
  • Stock deposit rates Stock loan rates New deposit rates New loan rates
    Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs SMEs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs SMEs
    Interest bearing sight HSCV Z6IQ HSCT
    Interest bearing sight of which current accounts Z6IU
    Time HSCW Z6IW HSCU BJ74 Z6IH BJ72
    Time fixed maturity Z6J9
    Time of which ISAs B9XZ Z6I3 Z6JC
    Time of which fixed-rate bonds B9XX Z6I2 BX2N Z6IE
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds fixed up to 1 year Z6JN Z6IP
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds over 1 year and up to 2 years Z6JP Z6IT
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds over 2 years Z6IZ Z6IV
    Overdrafts, interest charging HSDH ZJ4A HSDB Z6IF
    Overdrafts, interest and fee charging Z6KM
    Credit cards, interest charging balances HSDG Z6IR
    Credit cards, interest charging balances of which balance transfers Z6KC
    Credit cards, interest charging balances of which purchase Z6KE
    Credit cards, all balances HSDP Z6IS
    Credit cards, all balances of which balance transfers Z6KI
    Credit cards, all balances of which purchase Z6KK
    Other HSDI Z6KO BJ93 Z6K5
    Other, floating rate BI69 Z6KQ BJ47 Z6K7
    Other, fixed rate BJ77 Z6LI BJ94 Z6K9
    Other, fixed rate over 1 year and up to 5 years BI73 Z6LP BJ49 Z6KD
    Secured HSDE Z6K6 BJ95 Z6JM
    Secured, floating rate BI64 Z6K8 BJ39 Z6JO
    Secured, floating rate of which SVR BX2D Z6IX
    Secured, floating rate of which BRT BX2E Z6IY
    Secured, floating rate of which lifetime trackers Z6JT
    Secured, fixed rate BJ78 Z6KA BJ96 Z6JV
    Secured, fixed rate up to 5 years Z6J7 Z6JS
    Secured, fixed rate up to 2 years Z6J2 Z6JX
    Secured, fixed rate 3 and 4 years Z6J3 Z6JZ
    Secured, fixed rate over 5 years and up to 10 years Z6J6 Z6JR
    Secured, fixed rate over 10 years Z6J5 Z6JQ
    Secured, fixed rate over 1 year and up to 5 years BI66 BJ43
    Secured, fixed rate of which 2 years BX2F
    Secured, fixed rate of which 3 years BX2G
    Secured, fixed rate 5 years BX2H Z6J4 Z6K3
    Total HSDC Z6LN BJ82 Z6LD
    Floating rate BI58 Z6LQ BJ83 ZJ3L
    Floating rate, LIBOR / SONIA linked Z6HU ZJ3Q
    Floating rate, Bank Rate linked Z6LR ZJ3M
    Fixed rate BJ76 Z6I6 BJ84 ZJ3U
    Fixed rate up to 1 year BI59 BJ85
    Where the original loan size is >£20m BJ92
  • Stock deposit rates Stock loan rates New deposit rates New loan rates
    Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs SMEs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs Households Individuals and individual trusts PNFCs SMEs
    Time redeemable at notice B9KV ZJ3Y BK2B
    Time fixed maturity B9KU ZJ3Z B9KZ
    Time fixed maturity, fixed up to 1 year B9KR ZJ42 B9KW BK2C ZJ4O BK2F
    Time fixed maturity, fixed over 1 year and up to 2 years B9KS ZJ43 B9KX BK2D ZJ4P BK2G
    Time fixed maturity, fixed over 2 years B9KT ZJ44 B9KY BK2E ZJ4Q BK2H
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds fixed up to 1 year ZJ45 ZJ4R
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds over 1 year and up to 2 years ZJ46 ZJ4S
    Time, of which fixed-rate bonds over 2 years ZJ47 ZJ4T
    Other, floating rate B3RU ZJ4E B4VK ZJ54
    Other, fixed rate B3RT ZJ4F B4VJ ZJ55
    Other, fixed rate up to 1 year BK2O ZJ4G B4VG ZJ56
    Other, fixed rate over 1 year and up to 5 years BK2P ZJ4H B4VH ZJ57
    Other, fixed rate over 5 years B3RS ZJ4I B4VI ZJ58
    Secured, floating rate BK2N ZJ48 B4VF ZJ4U
    Secured, fixed rate BK2M ZJ49 B4VE ZJ4V
    Secured, fixed rate up to 1 year BK2I B4VA
    Secured, fixed rate up to 2 years ZJ4B ZJ4X
    Secured, fixed rate 3 and 4 years ZJ4C ZJ4Y
    Secured, fixed rate over 1 year and up to 5 years BK2J B4VB
    Secured, fixed rate over 5 years and up to 10 years BK2K Z6KS B4VC Z6LB
    Secured, fixed rate up to 5 years Z6KT Z6LC
    Secured, fixed rate 5 years ZJ4D ZJ4Z
    Secured, fixed rate over 10 years BK2L Z6KR B4VD Z6LA
    Floating rate B3OZ ZJ4J B4VP ZJ59
    Fixed rate B3RY ZJ4K B4VO ZJ5A
    Fixed rate up to 1 year B3RV ZJ4L B4VL ZJ5B
    Fixed rate over 1 year and up to 5 years B3RW ZJ4M B4VM ZJ5C
    Fixed rate over 5 years B3RX ZJ4N B4VN ZJ5D