Deputy Governors
Each Deputy Governor is assigned functional responsibility for a particular aspect of the Bank’s work.Chief Operating Officer
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) has responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the institution, including Human Resources, Property, Technology and Security. The COO has the status and remuneration equivalent to a Deputy Governor.
Past staff
Term Governor 2013-2020 Mark Carney 2003-2013 Mervyn King 1993-2003 Edward George 1983-1993 Robin Leigh-Pemberton 1973-1983 Gordon Richardson 1966-1973 Leslie O’Brien 1961-1966 Rowland Baring (3rd Earl of Cromer) 1949-1961 Cameron Cobbold 1944-1949 Thomas Catto 1920-1944 Montagu Norman 1918-1920 Brien Cokayne 1913-1918 Walter Cunliffe 1911-1913 Alfred Cole 1909-1911 Reginald Johnston 1907-1909 William Campbell 1905-1907 Alexander Wallace 1903-1905 Samuel Morley 1901-1903 Augustus Prevost 1899-1901 Samuel Gladstone 1897-1899 Hugh Smith 1895-1897 Albert Sandeman 1892-1895 David Powell 1889-1892 William Lidderdale 1887-1889 Mark Collet 1885-1887 James Currie 1883-1885 John Gilliat 1881-1883 Henry Grenfell 1879-1881 John Birch 1877-1879 Edward Palmer 1875-1877 Henry Gibbs 1873-1875 Benjamin Greene 1871-1873 George Lyall 1869-1871 Robert Crawford 1867-1869 Thomas Hunt 1865-1867 Henry Holland 1863-1865 Kirkman Hodgson 1861-1863 Alfred Latham 1859-1861 Bonamy Dobree 1857-1859 Sheffield Neave 1855-1857 Thomas Weguelin 1853-1855 John Hubbard 1851-1853 Thomson Hankey Jnr 1849-1851 Henry Prescott 1847-1849 James Morris 1847 (Apr-Aug) William Robinson 1845-1847 John Heath 1842-1845 William Cotton 1841-1842 John Pelly 1839-1841 John Reid 1837-1839 Timothy Curtis 1834-1837 James Pattison 1833-1834 Richard Raikes 1830-1833 John Palmer 1828-1830 Samuel Drewe 1826-1828 John Richards 1824-1826 Cornelius Buller 1822-1824 John Bowden 1820-1822 Charles Pole 1818-1820 George Dorrien 1816-1818 Jeremiah Harman 1814-1816 William Mellish 1812-1814 William Manning 1810-1812 John Pearse 1808-1810 John Whitmore 1806-1808 Beeston Long 1804-1806 Benjamin Winthrop 1803-1804 Joseph Nutt 1801-1803 Job Matthew 1799-1801 Samuel Thornton 1797-1799 Thomas Raikes 1795-1797 Daniel Giles 1793-1795 Godfrey Thornton 1791-1793 Samuel Bosanquet 1789-1791 Mark Weyland 1787-1789 Edward Darell 1785-1787 George Peters 1783-1785 Richard Neave 1781-1783 William Ewer 1779-1781 Daniel Booth 1777-1779 Peter Gaussen 1775-1777 Samuel Beachcroft 1773-1775 James Sperling 1771-1773 Edward Payne 1769-1771 William Cooper 1766-1769 Matthew Clarmont 1764-1766 John Weyland 1762-1764 Robert Marsh 1760-1762 Bartholomew Burton 1758-1760 Merrik Burrell 1756-1758 Matthews Beachcroft 1754-1756 Charles Palmer 1752-1754 Alexander Sheafe 1749-1752 William Hunt 1747-1749 Benjamin Longuet 1745-1747 Charles Savage 1743-1745 William Fawkener 1741-1743 Stamp Brooksbank 1740-1741 Delillers Carbonnel 1737-1740 Thomas Cooke 1735-1737 Bryan Benson 1733-1735 Horatio Townshend 1731-1733 Edward Bellamy 1729-1731 Samuel Holden 1727-1729 Humphry Morice 1725-1727 William Thompson 1723-1725 Gilbert Heathcote 1721-1723 Thomas Scawen 1719-1721 John Hanger 1717-1719 Gerard Conyers 1715-1717 Peter Delme 1713-1715 John Rudge 1711-1713 Nathaniel Gould 1709-1711 Gilbert Heathcote 1707-1709 Francis Eyles 1705-1707 James Bateman 1703-1705 Abraham Houblon 1701-1703 John Ward 1699-1701 Nathaniel Tench 1697-1699 William Scawen 1694-1697 John Houblon -
Term Deputy Governor 2024- Clare Lombardelli 2023- Sarah Breeden 2017- Dave Ramsden 2017 (Mar-Apr) Charlotte Hogg 2016- Sam Woods 2014-2017 Nemat (Minouche) Shafik 2014-2024 Ben Broadbent 2013-2023 Jon Cunliffe 2013-2016 Andrew Bailey 2009-2013 Paul Tucker 2008-2014 Charles Bean 2006-2009 John Gieve 2003-2008 Rachel Lomax 2002-2006 Andrew Large 1998-2003 Mervyn King 1997-2002 David Clementi 1995-1997 Howard Davies 1993-1995 Rupert Pennant-Rea 1990-1993 Edward George 1986-1990 George Blunden 1980-1986 Christopher McMahon 1970-1980 Jasper Hollom 1966-1970 Maurice Parsons 1964-1966 Leslie O'Brien 1954-1964 Humphrey Mynors 1949-1954 Dallas Bernard 1945-1949 Cameron Cobbold 1936-1945 Basil Catterns 1929-1936 Ernest Harvey 1927-1929 Cecil Lubbock 1926-1927 Henry Trotter 1925-1926 Alan Anderson 1923-1925 Cecil Lubbock 1920-1923 Henry Trotter 1918-1920 Montagu Norman 1915-1918 Brien Cokayne 1913-1915 Robert Newman 1911-1913 Walter Cunliffe 1909-1911 Alfred Cole 1907-1909 Reginald Johnston 1907 Edgar Lubbock 1905-1907 William Campbell 1903-1905 Alexander Wallace 1901-1903 Samuel Morely 1899-1901 Augustus Prevoat 1897-1899 Samuel Gladstone 1895-1897 Hugh Smith 1894-1895 Albert Sandeman 1892-1894 Clifford Wigram 1889-1892 David Powell 1877-1889 William Lidderdale 1885-1887 Mark Collet 1883-1885 James Currie 1881-1883 John Gilliat 1879-1881 Henry Grenfell 1877-1879 John Birch 1875-1877 Edward Palmer 1873-1875 Henry Gibbs 1871-1873 Benjamin Greene 1869-1871 George Lyall 1867-1869 Robert Crawford 1865-1867 Thomas Hunt 1863-1865 Henry Holland 1861-1863 Kirkman Hodgson 1859-1861 Alfred Latham 1857-1859 Bonamy Dobree 1855-1857 Sheffield Neave 1853-1855 Thomas Weguelin 1851-1853 John Hubbard 1849-1851 Thomson Hankey 1847-1849 Henry Prescott 1847 James Morris 1845-1847 William Robinson 1842-1845 John Heath 1841-1842 William Cotton 1839-1841 John Pelly 1837-1839 John Bart 1834-1837 Timothy Curtis 1833-1834 James Pattison 1832-1833 Richard Raikes 1830-1832 Andrew Thomson 1828-1830 John Palmer 1826-1828 Samuel Drewe 1824-1826 John Richards 1822-1824 Cornelius Buller 1820-1822 John Bowden 1818-1820 Charles Pole 1816-1818 George Dorrien 1814-1816 Jeremiah Harman 1812-1814 William Mellish 1810-1812 William Manning 1808-1810 John Pearse 1807-1808 John Whitmore 1806-1807 Brook Bart 1804-1806 Beeston Long 1802-1804 Benjamin Winthorpe 1801-1802 Joseph Nutt 1799-1801 Job Mathew 1797-1799 Samuel Thornton 1795-1797 Thomas Raikes 1793-1795 Daniel Giles 1791-1793 Godfrey Thornton 1789-1791 Samuel Bosanquet 1787-1789 Mark Weyland 1785-1787 Edward Darell 1783-1785 George Peters 1781-1783 Richard Neave 1779-1781 William Ewer 1777-1779 Daniel Booth 1776-1777 Peter Gaussen 1775-1776 James Langston 1773-1775 Samuel Beachcroft 1771-1773 James Sperling 1769-1771 Edward Payne 1768-1769 William Cooper 1766-1768 Samuel Fludyer 1764-1766 Matthew Clarmont 1762-1764 John Weyland 1760-1762 Robert Marsh 1758-1760 Bartholomew Burton 1756-1758 Merrick Burrell 1754-1756 Mathews Beachcroft 1752-1754 Charles Palmer 1750-1752 Alexander Sheafe 1749-1750 Benjamin Lethieullier 1747-1749 William Hunt 1745-1747 Benjamin Longuet 1743-1745 Charles Savage 1740-1743 William Fawkener 1740-1741 Stamp Brookbank 1738-1740 Delillers Carbonnel 1737-1738 Gould Nathaniel 1735-1737 Thomas Cooke 1733-1735 Bryan Benson 1732-1733 Horatio Townsend 1731 John Olmius 1729-1731 Edward Bellamy 1727-1729 Samuel Holden 1725-1727 Humphry Morice 1723-1725 William Thompson 1721-1723 Josiah Diston 1719-1721 Thomas Scawen 1717-1719 John Hanger 1715-1717 Gerald Conyers 1713-1715 Peter Delme 1711-1713 John Rudge 1709-1711 Nathaniel Gould 1707-1709 William Bouverie 1705-1707 Francis Eyles 1703-1705 James Bateman 1701-1703 Abraham Houblon 1699-1701 John Ward 1697-1699 Nathaniel Tench 1695-1697 William Scawen 1694-1695 Michael Godfrey