SS3/16 - Fees: PRA approach and application

Supervisory statement 3/16

First published on 28 February 2016

This supervisory statement is addressed to all Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) authorised firms and anyone seeking to become PRA-authorised. It should be read alongside the Fees Part of the PRA Rulebook (the ‘Fees Part’ or ‘Fees’). 

The PRA consults annually on fee rates with the publication of a consultation paper (CP). Feedback on the proposals in the CP is then published in a policy statement (PS), together with the final rule-making instrument and any agreed policy. 

The PRA’s fee year is twelve months from 1 March to the end of February in the following year. New fee rates are consulted on in March to take effect from 1 March in each year.

Current version

Published on 15 November 2024. Effective from 31 December 2024.

- Following PS15/24 – Review of Solvency II: Restatement of assimilated law

Past versions