Section 1 – Capital:
For Section 1, data from third country branches have been excluded due to the different capital requirements between third country branches and solo insurance firms.
Chart 1.1: Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) coverage
This chart shows the capital coverage of the life and non-life insurance sectors over time, measured by the ratio of eligible own funds to meet SCR. This is a weighted average calculation:
Capital coverage = (1) / (2)
Total eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Total SCR for selected cohort
Chart 1.2: Range of SCR coverage ratio
This chart shows the range of SCR coverage ratios in the life and non-life insurance cohorts. The SCR is measured by standard formula, partial internal model or full internal model. The range box shows the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of SCR coverage for each cohort.
Total eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Total SCR for selected cohort
Chart 1.3: Quality of capital
This chart shows the breakdown of the quality of capital for the life and non-life sectors and how it has changed over time. The breakdown is into the relevant tiers reported for eligible own funds.
Total tier 1 unrestricted eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Total tier 2 restricted eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Total tier 3 restricted eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Total eligible own funds to meet SCR for selected cohort
Proportion of tier 1 unrestricted eligible own funds to meet SCR = (1) / (5)
Proportion of tier 1 restricted eligible own funds to meet SCR = (2) / (5)
Proportion of tier 2 restricted eligible own funds to meet SCR = (3) / (5)
Proportion of tier 3 restricted eligible own funds to meet SCR = (4) / (5)
Section 2 – Balance Sheet:
Chart 2.1: Balance Sheet
This chart breaks down the movement in assets and liabilities.
Investments and cash excluding participations
Unit-linked and index-linked assets
Reinsurance recoverables
Insurance related payables
Operating assets & other
Technical Provisions (TPs) (excl. index & unit linked)
Technical Provisions (TPs) (Index linked & Unit Linked)
Insurance related payables
Derivatives in liabilities
Other liabilities
Excess Assets over Liabilities
Chart 2.2: Average and range of the ratio of assets to liabilities
This chart shows the average and range over time of the asset-liability ratio. It excludes unit linked and index linked assets and unit linked and index linked technical provisions. The range box shows the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of capital coverage for the selected cohort.
Asset-liability ratio = (Total assets - Assets held for index- and unit-linked contracts) / (Total liabilities – Technical provisions: Index and unit-linked)
Total assets for selected cohort
Total liabilities for selected cohort
Section 3 - Assets:
These charts show various breakdowns of assets and bonds based on the granular asset data set, which has been subject to some data cleansing. The information is based on the item-by-item asset data submitted in S.06.02.
Chart 3.1 – Chart 3.3: Breakdowns of assets and bonds
This chart shows the proportion of each type of asset. Some combining of categories has been necessary to ensure confidentiality of individual firm data.
Chart 3.2: Breakdown of bonds by credit rating
This chart shows the proportion of bonds with each credit rating. The reported data been subject to some data cleansing, as not all firms report ratings in the format shown in the chart. The chart includes both government and corporate bonds.
Chart 3.3: Breakdown of bonds by years to maturity
This chart shows the proportion of bonds that fall into each duration bucket. The reported data has been subject to some data cleansing in order to derive years to maturity from the maturity date.
Section 4 – Non-Life Lines of Business:
Chart 4.1: Performance metrics for key lines of business (Non-life sector)
This chart shows performance metrics over time for all lines of business. It shows net written premiums in the last 12 months. It also shows the net incurred claims loss ratio and a combined operating ratio (difference being the expenses ratio).
Net written premiums in last 12 months
Net claims incurred
Expenses incurred
Net earned premiums
Year to Date
Assistance |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0110) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0110) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0110) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0110) |
Credit & Suretyship |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0090) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0090) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0090) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0090) |
Financial loss |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0120) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0120) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0120) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0120) |
General liability (including Workers’ compensation) |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0030) + (S.05.01:R0200:C0080) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0080) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0080) |
Income protection |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0020) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0020) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0020) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0020) |
Legal expenses |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0100) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0100) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0100) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0100) |
Marine, aviation & transport |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0060) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0060) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0060) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0060) |
Medical expenses |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0010) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0010) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0010) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0010) |
Motor vehicle liability |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0040) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0040) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0040) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0040) |
Motor vehicle other |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0050) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0050) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0050) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0050) |
Property |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0070) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0070) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0070) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0070) |
Total non-life |
(S.05.01:R0200:C0200) |
(S.05.01:R0400:C0200) |
(S.05.01:R0550:C0200) |
(S.05.01:R0300:C0200) |
Loss ratio = Net claims incurred / Net earned premiums
Expenses ratio = Expenses incurred / Net earned premiums
Combined ratio = Loss ratio + Expenses ratio
Chart 4.2: Best estimate liabilities breakdown for key lines of business
This chart shows the breakdown of the best estimate liabilities into claims provisions and premium provisions, net and gross for all direct and proportional reinsurance lines of business.
Gross claims provisions = Net claims provisions + Ceded claims provisions
Gross premium provisions = Net premium provisions + Ceded premium provisions
(Ceded provisions are after the adjustment for expected losses due to counterparty default.)
Net claims provisions
Ceded claims provisions
Net premium provisions
Ceded premium provisions
Assistance |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0120) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0120) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0120) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0120) |
Credit & Suretyship |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0100) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0100) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0100) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0100) |
Financial loss |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0130) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0130) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0130) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0130) |
General liability (including Workers’ compensation) |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0090) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0090) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0090) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0090) |
Income protection |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0030) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0030) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0030) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0030) |
Legal expenses |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0110) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0110) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0110) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0110) |
Marine, aviation & transport |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0070) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0070) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0070) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0070) |
Medical expenses |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0020) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0020) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0020) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0020) |
Motor vehicle liability |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0050) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0050) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0050) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0050) |
Motor vehicle other |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0060) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0060) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0060) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0060) |
Property |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0080) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0080) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0080) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0080) |
Total non-life |
(S.17.01:R0250:C0180) |
(S.17.01:R0240:C0180) |
(S.17.01:R0150:C0180) |
(S.17.01:R0140:C0180) |
Gross best estimate liabilities = gross claims provisions + gross premium provisions
Chart 4.3: Range of risk margin to net best estimate liabilities for key lines of business
This chart shows the range of the ratio of risk margin to net best estimate liabilities. The average is the weighted average for the line. The range box shows the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of capital coverage for the line.
Risk Margin
Net best estimate (including TPs calculated
as a whole)
Assistance |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0120) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0120) |
Credit & surety |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0100) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0100) |
Financial loss |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0130) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0130) |
General liability (including Workers’ compensation) |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0040)
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0090) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0040)
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0090) |
Income protection |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0030) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0030) |
Legal expenses |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0110) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0110) |
Marine, aviation & transport |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0070) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0070) |
Medical expenses |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0020) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0020) |
Motor vehicle liability |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0050) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0050) |
Motor vehicle other |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0060) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0060) |
Property |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0080) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0080) |
Total non-life |
(S.17.01:[R0280 + R0310]:C0180) |
(S.17.01:[R0050 + R0270 + R0290 + R0300]:C0180) |
Ratio = Risk margin / net best estimate liabilities (including TPs calculation as a whole)