General application information
In flight applications
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) will continue to progress reviews of applications made under the near-final Basel 3.1 rules. Closer to implementation date, firms may be asked to confirm that the information submitted with these applications has not materially changed, or to refresh aspects of that information, ahead of an approval or rejection decision being taken. As set out in PS9/24, the PRA will not require that IRB models themselves are fully compliant with Basel 3.1 on 1 January 2027 provided that firms have an appropriate remediation plan in place and are applying a post model adjustment (PMA) if necessary. The PRA does not expect, however, that firms should delay model submissions required as part of a remediation plan due to the delayed implementation of Basel 3.1.
Applications for permissions made under the near-final Basel 3.1 rules, or final rules, that are granted ahead of the Basel 3.1 implementation date will not have an effective date before 1 January 2027.
The PRA will continue to progress reviews of applications made under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), and prior to 1 January 2027 will grant approval where the relevant CRR requirements have been met.
Nearer to implementation date the PRA will contact firms that have made applications for permissions under the CRR, that are affected by Basel 3.1 regarding their in-flight applications.
You will be asked whether you would like to convert these CRR applications into an application under the near-final Basel 3.1 rules. For some types of applications, the PRA may need to request new or updated information when converting the applications.
Once contacted by the PRA about the firm’s in-flight application, in the first instance you should discuss with your Supervisory team whether to convert the application into an application under the near-final rules.
If you choose to convert the application and the PRA decides to grant the permission, the permission will not have an effective date before 1 January 2027. Applications made under the CRR that are decided before 1 January 2027 will have an effective date soon after the decision is taken. Applications made under the CRR that have not been decided by the PRA or converted to an application under the near-final rules before 1 January 2027 will cease to have effect. You should expect to discuss any applications that are at risk of this with your Supervisory team.
Making applications for CRR permissions in advance of the Basel 3.1 implementation date
If you make a new application for a permission affected by Basel 3.1 before the Basel 3.1 implementation date (i.e. an application you have not already submitted) you will need to decide whether to make that application under the CRR or under the near-final Basel 3.1 rules.
Generally, the PRA expects it will become more appropriate for new applications to be made under the near-final Basel 3.1 rules as the implementation date approaches. You should continue to consider what the most appropriate basis for the application would be and take into consideration when you want the permission to have effect and the potential time an assessment will take. You should discuss applications with your Supervisory team before applying.
Applications made under CRR that have not been decided by the PRA before 1 January 2027 will fall away unless they are converted to an application under the near-final rules (see in-flight applications above).
Applications made under the CRR for which permission is granted ahead of the Basel 3.1 implementation date but where no savings provision exists (see further detail on savings provisions below) will cease to have effect on implementation date and you may want to reapply for a permission on the Basel 3.1 basis where one exists.
Applications made under the CRR for which permission is granted ahead of the Basel 3.1 implementation date and where a savings provision exists will be converted to a Basel 3.1 permission on implementation date.
Applications for permissions made under the near final Basel 3.1 rules, or final rules, that are granted ahead of the Basel 3.1 implementation date will not have an effective date before 1 January 2027.