Institutions in the UK banking sector

Details of banks and building societies who have permission to accept deposits in the UK.

Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) list

The following list details all banks and building societies who have permission to accept deposits in the UK.

The list is broken down by nationality of the institutions and is updated monthly. This list relates to those Bankstats tables where nationality breakdowns are provided. Nationality is defined as the country where the ultimate parent resides.

Until 31st March 2013 this list was sourced from information provided by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), who previously published an alternative list, showing banks by type. From 1st April 2013 the list is provided by the Prudential Regulation Authority.

MFI list - updated 4 March 2025

Securitisation SPV list

The securitisation special purpose vehicle (SPV) list details all UK MFI-owned securitisation SPVs. Information on these SPVs includes name of parent MFI, residency of the SPV, type of loans held and a list of the ISIN codes for issued securities together with issuance dates. The list is sourced from information provided by reporting institutions and is updated on a quarterly basis.

Form VP has been discontinued, with End-September 2019 reporting being the last.

Excel Securitisation SPV List - 2019 Q3 

Covered Bond LLP list

The covered bond limited liability partnership (LLP) list details all UK MFI-owned covered bond LLPs. Information on these LLPs includes name of parent MFI, residency of the LLP, type of loans ring-fenced and a list of the ISIN codes for issued covered bonds together with issuance dates. The list is sourced from information provided by reporting institutions and is updated on a quarterly basis.

Form VP has been discontinued, with End-September 2019 reporting being the last.

Excel Covered Bond LLP list - 2019 Q3 

This page was last updated 05 March 2025