- Bank of England Agenda for Research, 2025-2028
- Decision Maker Panel teams
- The AI Public-Private Forum: Final report
- Artificial Intelligence Consortium
- Anomali and ThreatConnect proof of concept
- Baton Systems, Clearmatics Technologies Ltd, R3 and Token proof of concept
- BitSight proof of concept
- BMLL proof of concept
- Chain proof of concept
- Digital Reasoning proof of concept
- Digital Regulatory Reporting Pilot Phase I
- Digital Regulatory Reporting Pilot Phase 2
- Enforcd proof of concept
- Experimentus proof of concept
- MindBridge Analytics Inc proof of concept
- MindBridge Analytics Inc proof of concept - Phase 2
- NTT DATA and Reportix proof of concept
- Privitar proof of concept
- PwC proof of concept
- Ripple proof of concept
The Future of Finance - our response
- The Bank of England’s response to the Department for digital, culture, media and sport
- Championing a platform to boost access to finance for small businesses
- Developing a world-class regtech and data strategy
- Enhancing the payments system for the digital age
- Facilitating firms' use of technology, like the cloud, to increase their operational resilience
- The Bank’s work on innovation in payments
- Supporting the transition to a carbon-neutral economy
- Research funding and fellowships
- Aakriti Mathur
- Alberto Polo
- Alex Haberis
- Alex Kontoghiorghes
- Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi
- Andreas Joseph
- Andrew Gimber
- Angus Foulis
- Anne-Caroline Hüser
- Arjun Mahalingam
- Arzu Uluc
- Aydan Dogan
- Belinda Tracey
- Benjamin Guin
- Benjamin Hemingway
- Christopher Wiltshire
- Daniel A. Ostry
- Dario Bonciani
- David Ronicle
- Dennis Reinhardt
- Eddie Gerba
- Edward Denbee
- Eryk Walczak
- Filippo Busetto
- Galina Potjagailo
- Georgina Green
- Gerardo Ferrara
- Giovanni Covi
- Glenn Hoggarth
- Ida Hjortsoe
- Ioana Neamtu
- Iryna Kaminska
- Ivan Yotzov
- Jeremy Franklin
- John Barrdear
- John Lewis
- Jonathan Bridges
- Julia Giese
- Kate Reinold
- Kristina Bluwstein
- Lien Laureys
- Marco Bardoscia
- Marco Garofalo
- Marco Pinchetti
- Maria Balgova
- Mark Joy
- Martin Seneca
- Matt Roberts-Sklar
- Matt Waldron
- Matthew Naylor
- Matthew Tong
- May Rostom
- Michael Kumhof
- Misa Tanaka
- Neeltje van Horen
- Nicholas Vause
- Nick McLaren
- Nora Wegner
- Paolo Siciliani
- Peter Eckley
- Petros Katsoulis
- Philip Schnattinger
- Quynh-Anh Vo
- Rashmi Harimohan
- Rhiannon Sowerbutts
- Richard Harrison
- Robert Czech
- Robert Hills
- Roger Vicquery
- Ryland Thomas
- Saleem Bahaj
- Sandra Batten
- Sebastian de-Ramon
- Simon Lloyd
- Sophie Piton
- Stefan Claus
- Stephen Burgess
- Sudipto Karmakar
- Tihana Škrinjarić
- Vania Esady
- William Francis
- Research Visitor Programme
- Access to Bank of England payments infrastructure and balance sheet for payments firms: A call for evidence (pdf 0.7MB)
- Adapting so a new financial system can meet the needs of the new economy - infographic (pdf 0.1MB)
- Learning and machines: AI and fintech at the Bank of England (pdf 0.2MB)
- Supporting information regarding an open platform for SME finance (pdf 0.4MB)
- Artificial Intelligence Public-Private Forum (pdf 0.4MB)
- Bank of England - MET office workshop on Climate Risk and Financial Stability (pdf 0.4MB)
- The Bank of England’s response to BEIS on the Corporate Transparency and Register Reform Consultation (pdf 2.5MB)
- Post-Trade Task Force – Charting the Future of Post-Trade - April 2022 (pdf 1.3MB)
- Future of finance factsheet (pdf 0.1MB)
- Greening the Financial System - Q&A (pdf 0.1MB)
- Greening the Financial System - Statement (pdf 0.1MB)
- Houblon-Norman / George Fellowships application form (pdf 0.1MB)
- Houblon-Norman/George Fellowships application form 2025/2026 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Houblon‐Norman/George Fellowship application form 2022/23 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Houblon Norman/George Fellowships application form 2023/24 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Houblon Norman/George Fellowships application form 2024/2025 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Explainer: How an open data platform could deliver a portable credit file for SMEs (pdf 0.1MB)
- Explainer: How the risks from climate change affect the Bank’s core objectives (pdf 0.1MB)
- One Bank research agenda - summary (pdf 0.3MB)
- Payments Technology Study Questions (pdf 0.2MB)
- Post-Trade Task Force – Member Selection Committee (pdf 0.4MB)
- Post-Trade Task Force – Selection Criteria (pdf 0.6MB)
- Post-Trade Task Force – Terms of Reference (pdf 1.5MB)
- Post-trade Technology Market Practitioner Panel - Terms of Reference (pdf 0.3MB)
- Alberto Polo CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Angus Foulis CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Denis Reinhardt CV (pdf 0.3MB)
- Eddie Gerba CV (pdf 0.3MB)
- Gerardo Ferrara CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Giovanni Covi CV (pdf 0.6MB)
- Ivan Yotzov CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- John Lewis CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Lien Laureys CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Mark Joy CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Matt Waldron CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Michael Kumhof CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Misa Tanaka CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Neeltje Van Horen CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Nick McLaren CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Quynh-Anh Vo CV (pdf 0.3MB)
- Richard Harrison CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Robert Czech (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ryland Thomas CV (pdf 0.5MB)
- The invisible hand of the government: Moral suasion during the European sovereign debt crisis - Neeltje Van Horen, Alexander Popov and Steven Ongena (pdf 1.2MB)
- Tihana Skrinjaric CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Victoria Saporta CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- The Bank of England as Lender of Last Resort Historical dataset (xlsb 3MB)
- The Bank of England responds to BEIS on the Smart Data Consultation (pdf 0.9MB)
- Explainer: The risks and benefits of cloud computing for the financial system (pdf 0.1MB)
- Transcription of the Slave Compensation Account and Litigated Slave Compensation Account (xlsx 0.8MB)
- Explainer: UK payments options and the role of the Bank (pdf 0.1MB)
- Explainer: What is regtech and why is it needed? (pdf 0.1MB)
- digital-currencies
- AI Public-Private Forum: Final report (pdf 12.7MB)
- Artificial Intelligence Public-Private Forum - Terms of Reference (pdf 0.4MB)
- Anomali - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Bitsight - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Bmll - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Chain - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.3MB)
- Digital Reasoning - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Enforcd - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Experimentus - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- Fintech Community
- Fintech accelerator process FAQs (pdf 0.5MB)
- MindBridge phase 2 - proof of concept (pdf 0.1MB)
- Mindbridgeai - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- NTT DATA & Reportix - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.3MB)
- Open data for SME finance (pdf 1.5MB)
- Privitar - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)
- PwC - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ripple - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.1MB)
- ThreatConnect - Fintech proof of concept (pdf 0.2MB)