Upcoming prudential regulation communications

Upcoming communications as published on the website and in the PRA Business Plan 2020/21

Winter - Spring 2021


Consultation Paper (CP) 19/20 ‘Resolution assessments: Amendments to reporting and disclosure dates’ proposes that the changes resulting from the CP, which will consider responses to any feedback received, would take immediate effect following the publication of the final policy in the first half of 2021. 

The PRA intends to publish its final policy relating to OCIR (CP20/20) in the first half of 2021. Many firms' existing OCIR arrangements may already be consistent with some of these proposals. The PRA would therefore expect that firms would be able to leverage their existing OCIR arrangements when considering the extent to which further work may be necessary ahead of Saturday 1 January 2022.

This page was last updated 17 February 2023