The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to policy

Published on 20 February 2025

Our approach to policy document sets out how we carry out our role in practice. It is designed to help firms and the public understand how we make policy and their role in that process, and to aid accountability to the public and Parliament. It also meets the statutory requirement for us to issue guidance on how we intend to advance our objectives.

The PRA’s approach to policy document should be read in conjunction with the accompanying policy statement (PS3/25) which provides feedback to responses the PRA received to Consultation Paper 27/23 – The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to policy

We would like to reiterate our thanks to respondents for their engagement with the consultation paper and the preceding discussion paper (see links below for historic versions of our approach to policy document). 

The PRA’s approach to policy document is relevant to all PRA-regulated firms. 

The PRA's approach to policy document

PS3/25 - The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to policy