Policies relating to the technical provisions applying to the valuation and recognition of assets and liabilities for Solvency 2 insurers.

UK legislation

UK technical standards

  • Procedures to be followed for the supervisory approval of the application of a matching adjustment - Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/500, as amended, including by the Technical Standards  (Solvency II Directive & Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Directive) (EU Exit) Instrument 2019, Annex F

Supervisory Statements and Statements of Policy

  • Solvency II: Matching Adjustment Permissions (Statement of Policy)
  • Solvency II: supervisory approval for the volatility adjustment (SS23/15)
  • Solvency II: Internal models – modelling of the matching adjustment (SS8/18)
  • Solvency II: Matching adjustment (SS7/18)
  • Solvency II: illiquid unrated assets (SS3/17)
  • Solvency II: surplus funds (SS13/15)
  • Solvency II: approvals (SS15/15)
  • Solvency II: transitional measures on risk-free interest rates and technical provisions (SS17/15)
  • Solvency II: calculation of technical provisions and the use of internal models for general insurers (SS5/14)
  • The PRA’s approach to the publication of Solvency II technical information (Statement of Policy)
  • Maintenance of the 'transitional measure on technical provisions' under Solvency II (SS6/16)
  • Pension Obligation Risk: treatment under the Individual Capital Adequacy Standards (ICAS) for Insurers (LSS6/13)

Other relevant material

Guidelines originally issued by European Supervisory Authorities should be read in conjunction with "Interpretation of EU Guidelines and Recommendations: Bank of England and PRA approach after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU" (Statement of Policy)

This page was last updated 25 July 2024