Freedom of Information Compliance Statistics 2024

We publish details of our performance on handling requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations.


  1. Please note, the total FoI requests received and responded to during the reporting period may differ. This could be due to receiving a FoI request during the reporting period which is subsequently responded to in the following quarter or where a request responded to was received in a previous reporting period
  2. Includes transferred requests and where we have sought clarification
  3. Includes where part information provided and (1) part not held (2) part not provided (eg exemptions/exclusions applied, over the cost threshold)
  4. Includes where exemptions or exclusions applied in full, vexatious, repeated requests, over the cost threshold, part not held but remainder exempted or excluded
  5. Includes requests where there is no right to an internal review as the Bank's exclusions have been applied to the original request
This page was last updated 03 January 2025