Digital Securities Sandbox Dashboard

Key information and updates for entrants and participants in the Digital Securities Sandbox.

Sandbox Entrant information and Sandbox Approval notices 

This section will host the Sandbox Approval Notices (SANs) which set out the approvals for a sandbox entrant to participate in the DSS. These documents will be updated to reflect any changes in permissions as a firm progresses through the DSS.

Gate 1 information

For information on eligibility, see our eligibility page, or to apply, please refer to the application form on the FCA website.

Gate 2 information

This section outlines how the Bank will assess a DSD’s eligibility to progress through Gate 2. Firms will be required to provide a self-attestation, which includes a line-by-line commentary on how they meet the Bank’s Gate 2 rules, and complete an initial questionnaire (see draft PDF form below) to outline their business plan and the risks they may involve. After reviewing these responses, the Bank will send targeted follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding of the firm, in line with the Bank’s approach to supervisory assurance at Gate 2.

Gate 2 rules

Draft Gate 2 application process and questionnaire

DSS Limits information

This section outlines the overall capacity for certain asset classes that the Bank has set as part of its commitment to protect financial stability. Individual DSDs will be assigned limits as set out in the DSS Guidance. This section will be updated once sandbox entrants enter the Go-live stage. It will display the aggregate limits that have been allocated across all entrants. 

This page was last updated 30 September 2024