How prepared are markets for the end of Libor?

The purpose of Bank Overground is to share our internal analysis. Each bite-sized post summarises a piece of analysis that supported a policy or operational decision.
Published on 30 September 2019
With Libor expected to be discontinued after end-2021, the use of alternative interest rate benchmarks is steadily increasing. But use of Libor remains widespread, and this poses risks to market stability.

Chart A

Firms continue to write new Libor contracts despite clear risks to its existence after end-2021

Total value of contracts referencing GBP Libor cleared through LCH(a)

Chart A - How prepared are markets for the end of Libor?


Source: LCH.

(a) Includes gross notional outstanding of all interest rate derivatives with a GBP Libor linked floating leg cleared at LCH Ltd, excluding inflation swaps.

April 2018 and Aug 2019 refer to observation dates for roll off profile. The chart presumes no new trades are transacted after the observation dates.

Maturity date calculated based on residual maturity of trades at dates specified.

Previously published data revised due to methodology improvements since the July 2019 FSR.