James has worked at the Bank of England for the greater part of his career, aside from spells in the private sector. During his time at the Bank, he has worked extensively on the theory and practice of monetary policy, quantitative easing and inflation targeting: on the Bank’s open market operations, in both sterling and foreign exchange: and in financial stability. James was speech writer and private secretary to the Governor between 2003 and 2006.
James studied economics at the University of Bristol and at the London School of Economics, and has published widely on both macro and microeconomics. James also led the Bank of England team charged with corporate strategic planning. James moved into Banking Supervision in 2014.
James studied economics at the University of Bristol and at the London School of Economics, and has published widely on both macro and microeconomics. James also led the Bank of England team charged with corporate strategic planning. James moved into Banking Supervision in 2014.

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This page was last updated 31 January 2023