Date | Weekly amounts outstanding of Bank of England Banking Department sterling and all foreign currency liabilities total (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted [a] [b] [c] RPWAEFE |
[a] Total liabilities for the Banking Department include the Bank's capital of £14.6mn, held by the Treasury, which is not included in any of the sub-totals shown in this table.
[b] Total assets may not equal total liabilities for the Issue Department or for the Banking Department, due to rounding.
[c] The format of the non-statutory Bank Return, reproduced in Table B1.1, will change following reforms to the Bank of England's money market operations, to be launched on 18 May 2006. Table B1.1 will be discontinued from the June 2006 issue onwards and replaced by Table B1.1.1 to reflect these changes. An article detailing the changes will be published in the June 2006 issue of Monetary & Financial Statistics (Bankstats).