

Letter: A

approved counterparty

means any of the following:

(1) an approved credit institution;

(2) a firm whose permission including dealing in investments as principal with respect to derivatives which are not listed;

(3) a MiFID investment firm whose authorisation (as referred to in Article 5 of MiFID II) authorises it to carry on activities of the kind referred to in (2); or

(4) in respect of a transaction involving a new issue of securities which are to be listed, the issuer or a MiFID investment firm acting on behalf of the issuer.

approved credit institution

The changes to this defined term are effective from 23:00 on 31/12/2020.

means a credit institution recognised or permitted under the law of the UK to carry on any of the activities set out in Annex 1 to the CRD.

approved derivative

means a derivative in respect of which the conditions in Insurance Company – Risk Management 6.2 are met.

approved financial institution

The changes to this defined term are effective from 23:00 on 31/12/2020.

means any of the following:

(1) the European Central Bank;

(2) the central bank of an EEA State;

(3) the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;

(4) the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;

(5) the International Finance Corporation;

(6) the International Monetary Fund;

(7) the Inter-American Development Bank;

(8) the African Development Bank;

(9) the Asian Development Bank;

(10) the Caribbean Development Bank;

(11) the European Investment Bank;

(12) the EU;

(13) the European Atomic Energy Community; and

(14) the Bank of England.

approved person

means a person in relation to whom the FCA or the PRA has given its approval under section 59 of FSMA (Approval for particular arrangements) for the performance of a controlled function.

approved quasi-derivative

means a quasi-derivative in respect of which the conditions in Insurance Company – Risk Management 6.2 are met.

approved reinsurance to close


(1) a reinsurance to close effected before 1 January 2005; or

(2) an agreement under which members of a syndicate in one syndicate year ("the reinsured members") agree with the members of that syndicate in a later syndicate year or the members of one other syndicate ("the reinsuring members") that the reinsuring members will discharge, or procure the discharge of, or indemnify the reinsured members against, all known and unknown insurance business liabilities of the reinsured members arising out of the insurance business carried on by the reinsured members in that syndicate year that is:

(a) effected after 1 January 2005; and

(b) not a balance transfer between two syndicate years where the syndicate has only one member and the member is the same in each of those years; or

(3) an agreement under which members of a syndicate in one syndicate year ("the reinsured members") agree with a subsidiary of the Society that that subsidiary will discharge, or procure the discharge of, or indemnify the reinsured members against, all known and unknown insurance business liabilities of the reinsured members arising out of the insurance business carried on by the reinsured members in that syndicate year ("the reinsured liabilities") and where:

(a) that subsidiary is wholly owned by the Society and if from time to time the subsidiary has an asset or cash flow deficiency such that the subsidiary is unable to meet any of the liabilities which it has reinsured, the Society is legally obliged to pay to the subsidiary a sum equal to that deficiency; and

(b) at the effective date of the agreement, the relevant syndicate year has been open for at least two years after the date at which it would normally have been closed in accordance with the policies and practices in relation to the syndicate concerned.

approved security

means any of the following:

(1) any security issued or guaranteed by, or the repayment of the principal of which, or the interest of which, is guaranteed by, and any loans to or deposits with, any government, public or local authority or national industry or undertaking, which belongs to an approved State;

(2) any loan to, or deposit with, an approved financial institution; and

(3) any debenture issued before 31 December 1994 by the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Limited on the Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation Limited.

approved State

The changes to this defined term are effective from 23:00 on 31/12/2020.

means any of the following:

(A1) the UK;

(1) an EEA state;

(2) the United States of America;

(3) Canada;

(4) Japan; or

(5) Australia,

other than when that country has rescheduled its external debt.

approved stock lending transaction

means a stock lending transaction in respect of which the conditions in Insurance Company – Risk Management 8.2 have been met.