

Letter: A

ancillary action

action, ancillary to stabilising action, permitted under MAR 2.4.2 R.

ancillary activity

an activity which is not a regulated activity but which is:
(a) carried on in connection with a regulated activity; or
(b) held out as being for the purposes of a regulated activity.

ancillary banking services undertaking

(as defined in article 1.23 of the Banking Consolidation Directive (Definitions)) and in relation to an undertaking in a consolidation group, sub-group or another group of persons) an undertaking complying with the following conditions:
(a) its principal activity consists in:
(i) owning or managing property;
(ii) managing data-processing services; or
(iii) any other similar activity;
(b) the activity in (a) is ancillary to the principal activity of one or more credit institutions; and
(c) those credit institutions are also members of that consolidation group, sub-group or group.

ancillary insurance services undertaking

(in relation to any undertaking in a consolidation group, sub-group or other group of persons) an undertaking complying with the following conditions:
(a) its principal activity consists of:
(i) owning or managing property; or
(ii) managing data-processing services; or
(iii) any other similar activity;
(b) the activity in (a) is ancillary to the principal activity of one or more insurance undertakings;
(c) those insurance undertakings are also members of that consolidation group, sub-group or other group of persons; and
(d) (for the purpose of PRU 8.4 (Cross sector groups), PRU 8.5 (Third country groups), PRU 8 Ann 1R G (Capital adequacy calculations for financial conglomerates) and PRU 8 Ann 2R (Prudential rules for third country groups) it is not an ancillary banking services undertaking.

ancillary investment services undertaking

(in relation to any undertaking in a consolidation group, sub-group or other group of persons) an undertaking complying with the following conditions:
(a) its principal activity consists of:
(i) owning or managing property; or
(ii) managing data-processing services; or
(iii) any other similar activity;
(b) the activity in (a) is ancillary to the principal activity of one or more investment firms;
(c) those investment firms are also members of that consolidation group, sub-group or other group of persons; and
(d) (for the purpose of PRU 8.4 (Cross sector groups), PRU 8.5 (Third country groups), PRU 8 Ann 1R G (Capital adequacy calculations for financial conglomerates) and PRU 8 Ann 2R (Prudential rules for third country groups) it is not an ancillary banking services undertaking.