

Letter: A

Article 129 implementing measure

(a) measure taken by the FSA under regulations 7-9 of the Capital Requirements Regulations 2006; or
(b) corresponding measure taken by another competent authority to apply an Article 129 permission as referred to in the last paragraph of Article 129(2) of the Banking Consolidation Directive.

Article 129 permission

a permission of the type referred to in Article 129(2) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (permission to apply the IRB approach, the AMA approach or the CCR internal model method on a consolidated basis) or Article 37(2) of the Capital Adequacy Directive (permission to apply the VaR model approach on a consolidated basis) excluding an Article 129 implementing measure.

Article 129 procedure

the procedure described in Article 129(2) of the Banking Consolidation Directive (permission to apply the IRB approach, the AMA approach or the CCR internal model method on a consolidated basis) or that applies under Article 37(2) of the Capital Adequacy Directive (permission to apply the VaR model approach on a consolidated basis) for the purpose of applying for and granting or refusing an Article 129 permission or the procedure for varying of revoking an Article 129 permission in accordance with the Banking Consolidation Directive or the Capital Adequacy Directive.

Article 134 relationship

(in accordance with Article 134 of the Banking Consolidation Directive) a relationship of one of the following kinds:
(a) where a person exercises a significant influence over one or more persons, but without holding a participation or other capital ties in these persons and without being a parent undertaking of these persons; or
(b) where two or more persons are placed under single management other than pursuant to a contract or clauses of their memoranda or articles of association.

article 9 default

(as defined in article 2(2) of the compensation transitionals order) any of the following:
(a) the passing of a resolution for the voluntary winding up of an authorised insurance company within the meaning of section 3 of the Policyholders Protection Act 1975 in circumstances falling within section 5(1)(a) of that Act;
(b) the making by the court of an order for the winding up of such a company in accordance with section 5(1)(b) of that Act;
(c) the appointment of a provisional liquidator in the circumstances falling within section 15 of that Act in respect of such a company;
(d) such a company becoming a company in financial difficulties within the meaning of section 16 of that Act;
(e) a participating deposit-taker becoming insolvent for the purposes of Part II of the Banking Act 1987;
(f) a participating institution becoming insolvent within the meaning of section 25A of the Building Societies Act 1986;
(g) the beginning of a dissolution or transfer of engagements of a member society in accordance with rule 9(2) of the Rules of the Friendly Societies Protection Scheme.